Sunday, August 24, 2008

Detachment as a Sahaja Yogi

So just try to keep your aim clear-cut. You must try to understand what is your aim in life as Sahaja yogis. Now you are changed people. You are no more people who have to deal with possessions, or worry about them, about mundane things, about your livelihoods. You are no more people who have to worry too much about your health and things or your personal lives. You are not to worry, also, about your jobs so much. That's not important. And last of all not to worry about your family, children, husband, wife, and find a pocket for you to hide into it. Because the only thing where you can really hide yourself is the love of God, where you can really get the great, restful, blissful feeling of His complete protection.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Devi Puja
(14.03.1983, Australia)

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