Wednesday, September 17, 2008

when the Kundalini rises.....

“.. Take another example of a piece of cloth. It represents the attention. Before realization it is all spread out and in all directions. Now take a finger and poke the cloth in the center from the bottom and raise it upwards. What happens?

The cloth is pulled up to a point and in the process it just wraps or falls around the finger. In the same way, when the Kundalini rises, it pokes the attention, raises it to the Sahasrara, where it gets enlightened by the light of the Brahmha Chaitanya.

It then just wraps and falls in line with the Kundalini ’s path on the Shushumna Nadi in the center. What has actually happened is that on realization, our Chitta is pulled inside from wherever it is spread out in the outer mundane world.

The Chitta is thereby enlightened. This is the so-called state. But in reality we human are slaves of our habits. We out of sheer habit do not allow our Chitta to stay put in that state permanently. Actually the Chitta should not go out. .”

H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
(February 1987)

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