Monday, November 30, 2009


There is a beautiful story told by Shri Mataji about Raja Janaka:

“You know, kind Janaka was called as ‘Videha’. The great sage Narada asked him one day, ‘Revered Sir, how are you called as Videha? You live in this world. How can you be a Videha? Raja Janaka said, ‘this is very simple.

I will tell you about it in the evening. Now please do this little job for me. There is milk in this bowl. You take this bowl and come along with me. Please see that not a single drop of milk is spilled on the earth. Then only will I tell you why I am called Videha.’

Narada took the bowl and followed Janaka everywhere. He had to be very careful because the bowl was such that by the slightest movement the milk might have spilled. He got quite tired. When they retired for the evening, Narada asked, ‘please tell me now. I am getting quite fed up with carrying this bowl and following you everywhere at the same time.’

Raja Janaka said, ‘first of all tell me what you have seen? Narada replied, ‘Nothing except this bowl of milk so that it won’t spill.’ Raja Janaka said, ‘Didn’t you see there was a big procession in My honour, then there was a court wherein there was a program of dancing? Didn’t you see anything? Narada answered,’ No, Sir, I have not seen anything.’

Raja Janaka said, ‘My Child likewise with Me, I also see nothing. All the time, I just watch my attention, where it is going making sure that it won’t spill away like the milk.”

Explaining Chitta-nirodh, Shri Mataji said, “This sort of attention one has to develop by watching attention. Chitta-Nirodh. Nirodh means the saving of your attention. So your attention should not be on saving money and worldly things and all that, but attention itself must be saved.

As you watch your money,
as you watch your road when you drive,
as you watch your child when it is growing,
as you watch the beauty of your wife, or the care of your husband
all put together you watch yourself, your attention.”

(DCB January- February 2005)

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