When a child is born, the first thing that it respond to is the Spirit of its mother. At the moment of his birth he is not aware of his body or that of this mother, but he is aware of the Spirit. The moment he comes out of the womb he suffers a shock, and his first reaction is to get back to the womb. At this stage his mind, conditionings and ego aspects are not developed. He is pure Spirit, and it is this pure Spirit that finds comfort in the Spirit of this mother and through that comfort, sustenance in the new alien environment. This response is true love or unconditional love, it is not a conditioned response, but the sheer joy of the fusion of two Spirits.
Center Heart
Deity : Shri Jagadamba
Gross (physical) level : Center of cardiac plexus, part of left plexus, sternum bone.
Manifestation (controls): Breathing, breasts
Qualities : Mother of the Universe, physical mother, sense of security, creation and nourishment of antibodies.
No. of Petals: Twelve (12)Qualities : Mother of the Universe, physical mother, sense of security, creation and nourishment of antibodies.
Associated Day: Friday
Associated Color: Purple
Associated Planet: Venus
Associated Element: Air
Associated Gem: Ruby
Associated Symbol: Flame
Place on hand: Little fingers
Causes of Catch / Obstruction
Fanaticism, fantasy, spiritualism, black magic & ESP, false gurus and false knowledge.
Left Heart
Deity : Shri Shiva, The Spirit - Atma, (Shri Parvati)
Gross (physical) level :Heart organ, and left cardiac plexus.
Manifestation: Heartbeat (Anahat - sound that is without percussion).
Qualities : Existence, life, joy, after Realisation Attention-Truth -Joy (sat chit ananda).
Place on hand: Left little fingers
Gross (physical) level :Heart organ, and left cardiac plexus.
Manifestation: Heartbeat (Anahat - sound that is without percussion).
Qualities : Existence, life, joy, after Realisation Attention-Truth -Joy (sat chit ananda).
Place on hand: Left little fingers
Causes of Catch / Obstruction
Extreme physical/mental activity, heartfelt bad relations
(especially mother ’s), outside Attention, Hatha Yoga,
drugs, no seeking, no faith in God, anti-God activities.
(especially mother ’s), outside Attention, Hatha Yoga,
drugs, no seeking, no faith in God, anti-God activities.
Right Heart
Deity : Shri Rama (Shri Sita)
Gross (physical) level : Cardiac plexus (right side)
Qualities : Dutiful life as father, husband, brother, Gracious, auspicious boundaries mantained (Maryadas).
Place on hand: Right little finger
Causes of Catch / Obstruction
Father or fatherhood problems, emotional aggression,
arrogant or inconsiderate behavior, unlawful domination.
Location in Human body
The Heart Chakra is the home of the Self, the Spirit, Atma - all meaning the same thing. Time and again Shri Mataji has stressed that “You are nothing but an eternal Spirit”. In this way she is telling us that we have to realise and become our Spirit, and leave behind the futility of the illusion we live in. We start the process of becoming our Spirit after realisation, as we start to lose our false identifications with our body, mind, and feelings. Only after this enlightenment can we take our Attention to our Heart and cleanse it. The Spirit can only manifest when our heart is open and clean, at which point we feel the eternal joy of the creation and the meaning and purpose of our place in it. We clean our heart through our pure Desire, and through our Attention. Saying Affirmations such as “I am the Spirit” are effective in this process, but it must not be mechanical action.
Pure love, which enlightens us all, is the real quality of the Heart Chakra. In the unrealised state we rarely love for love’s sake. Because of our conditionings we confuse feelings of love with those of possession, sex and selfishness. Pure love is detached, it gives without interest. Like the tree which gives shade to one and all, it is without prejudice and motive. True love is the quality that emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind. When we talk of loving someone, we should understand the direction in which this love is flowing. Bodily attraction is physical. It can arise out of sex appeal, or the conditioned response to a dream image of a prince charming or even from an artist’s or ad-man’s projection. There are even those who exercise seductive arts to ensnare a good “catch”. We can see this in whose who indulge in excessively trendy fashions. These people are especially at risk in their relationships because they relate not as two Spirits, but as two fashionable physical forms. This kind of physical attraction is not true love because it comes from the mind, and mind does not love - it merely wants. When the want of the mind is attained, then the novelty wears off. For instance a child is excited and attached to a new toy, but after a few days as the novelty wears away, the excitement dies. When the groom enters the house of an Indian bride, she welcomes him at the threshold and offers worship to his Spirit. Thus the marriage is a spiritual union. Without recognition of the Spirit marriage results in transitory relationships of the make and break kind. This casual state in turn adversely affects the heart center and causes insecurity. Hence, instead of confidence between the husband and wife, an undercurrent of fear runs between them. A lot of the problems of insecurity in our society comes from these sort of emotional traumas and not just from things like money worries.
Love is often mistakenly taken as restricted to male and female. In fact love is the flow of life in all limbs, between children/parents, brothers/sisters, friends, old people, etc. Where many people share and care, then the whole society opens up its heart center. It becomes a collective society and changes the world. This is the power of love. Love is the principle behind all creation, all vibrations. We say that God is love and love is God, because in its depths we cease to be. In true love there is no “I” and “You”, there is simply the merging in the Spirit. In this state we experience true human unity, the true oneness of life. Physically we can appear as different colors, shapes, characteristics, but as we become the Spirit the drops all become one ocean, with the vibrations dancing in different rhythms, taking different patterns, breaking and remaking again in a perpetual cosmic dance. Hate and jealousy develop an anti-current which flows against the cosmic rhythm. Where there is love there is growth, celebration, joy and evolution.
A lot of problems arise from fear. If we have self-confidence, we have strong defenses which protect against base desires and negative outside influences. If we live in fear, then our natural immune system is weakened and we become vulnerable to allergies and disease. Our personality grows and shines when our heart is strong, and we approach life with a will to win like a warrior. When we weaken, we become trapped in the cage of fear, afraid to venture out and experience the joy and wonders of the kaleidoscope of life. We attract to ourselves what we give out. If we have a constricted heart, then we are likely to attract corresponding people and to perpetuate the problem. Hence it is important to be strong and grounded so that we can nourish our relationships. Where a mother’s love has been denied in childhood, it is possible that a fulfilling
relationship can bridge the gap. A strong heart center is the basis for a healthy personality. Nourished with love, we emanate warmth and happiness. Love is nature’s way. Through love, the seed attracts nourishment from the soil and comes to life. The warmth and love in a doctor adds to the healing power of his cure. The patient feels better just by being with warm and loving people. The vibrations of such warm people attract us like honey attracts the bee. It is the love which becomes compassion which makes us reach out without thinking to help mankind. It is a spontaneous act, not an intellectual decision.
Our relationships with our parents have their place in the Heart Chakra. Our physical mother has her place on the left heart, and our father has his place on the right heart. Once we realize that our parents have this place within us, we don’t try to run away from any problems in any way, we face up to our responsibilities towards them. At all times we should treat them with the love and respect which is their due. Parents should likewise raise their children in a pure life, which will encourage their spiritual development. They should love them without attachment and fear, knowing that they are the trustees of their children. If parents do not practice what they preach, they cannot set a proper example to their offspring. Parents should be respectable, in order to be respected themselves. How we get on with our spouse is also a matter of the heart.
Where one partner dominates the other, or is possessive, then the love is stifled and the relationship is disturbed. Vibrations of the Spirit’s love must have the freedom to flow, and each partner must respect one another and not block the other’s growth by force of personality or will. As the relationship flourishes and gains in understanding, both husband and wife realize their equal status, their position as two wheels on the same chariot. In situations where the female is unable to make her full contribution to the household (for instance where the man thinks he is superior because of this physical advantage and wage earning capability) she can develop a suppressed anger, which in itself can be directed towards the children or develop into neuroses. The family unit is important to society, and the foudations of this unit are respect, love and duty between the members - parents and children. If the family ideal collapses then the society will soon follow. We just have to witness the problems of violence and substance abuse amongst children in societies where the family has become neglected priority. One of the main causes of insecurity in the West, and its consequent ‘rat-race’ mentality is the fear that as an old age pensioner you will end up in an old people’s home - forgotten. This is a sad situation. Money cannot buy emotional security, and a society which respects old age as a kind of childhood where
love and care are of paramount importance will have a much more stable existence. Man of the most respected spiritual civilizations (such as the American Indians) have held a special reverence for their elders as sources of wisdom and direction
The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandra at the crown of the head (in the Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri (the Kundalini) in her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva presides as the witness in the left Heart
Chakra, controlling our very existence. This center, therefore, has to be treated with the greatest respect and understanding. In the center Heart Chakra resides Shri Jagadamba, the Mother of the universe. Here, in our faith in the Mother aspect,
rests our sense of security and protection. Lord Rama inhabits the right Heart Chakra. He exhibited the ideals of behavior as a husband, son, brother and ruler. He re-established the status of women in the household, and clarified the principles
of dharma. He also exemplified the boundaries of conduct (or Maryadas) within which we should operate in order to deepen our Spiritual growth. These guidelines show us the power of discrimination and help us to protect the protocols of the Spirit.
He also laid out the concept of duty; child to the parents, parents to the children, husband to wife and vice versa.
The heart is the pump of the body, hence any mental and physical excess strains this center and can lead in advanced stages to a heart attack. Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the heart center. Excessive athletic
competition simply develops into an ego oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar way modern Hatha Yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation to the Spirit, and this too can harm the center. The sages of old
developed certain exercises for correcting the spinal problems caused by wrong living, thus aligning the body to its natural form in preparation for the search for knowledge of the Spirit. This led to the development of Hatha Yoga schools, and thence
to the modern form of ‘Yoga’. Unfortunately today Hatha Yoga is mistaken for spirituality. People spend hours doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron robes or being vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know God. The word Yoga means Union in Sanskrit, and the union is that of our Kundalini with the all pervading Divine energy. God is realised when the Kundalini evolves through right living, deed, thought and action. If we treat our body like a gadget we become like a gadget. Excessive right side activity in such pursuits as Hatha Yoga can dry out a person, and make his personality cold and without love. Moreover extreme cases may harm the Spirit by neglect and cause the person to suffer heart attacks as the Spirit retreats. Suffering is often mis-identified with purification. We are led to believe that if something hurts it must be good for us (‘no pain, no gain’), while anything that is nice is evil. This numbs the left heart, which is the seat of the Spirit. Both self denial and self torture are against the dignity of the Spirit.
Insecurity and fear can lead to palpitations and breast problems. Excessive activity or planning dries us out, and again can lead to problems of this center. In a similar way, indulging in any of the extreme ascetic disciplines or physical activities which concentrate on the body to the exclusion of the Spirit should be avoided. Breast cancer and other female problems can be related to the suppression or unjust treatment of women. In exteme cases fear and insecurity of the center heart can
lead to neuroses and allergies.
Pure love, which enlightens us all, is the real quality of the Heart Chakra. In the unrealised state we rarely love for love’s sake. Because of our conditionings we confuse feelings of love with those of possession, sex and selfishness. Pure love is detached, it gives without interest. Like the tree which gives shade to one and all, it is without prejudice and motive. True love is the quality that emanates from the Spirit and not from the body or mind. When we talk of loving someone, we should understand the direction in which this love is flowing. Bodily attraction is physical. It can arise out of sex appeal, or the conditioned response to a dream image of a prince charming or even from an artist’s or ad-man’s projection. There are even those who exercise seductive arts to ensnare a good “catch”. We can see this in whose who indulge in excessively trendy fashions. These people are especially at risk in their relationships because they relate not as two Spirits, but as two fashionable physical forms. This kind of physical attraction is not true love because it comes from the mind, and mind does not love - it merely wants. When the want of the mind is attained, then the novelty wears off. For instance a child is excited and attached to a new toy, but after a few days as the novelty wears away, the excitement dies. When the groom enters the house of an Indian bride, she welcomes him at the threshold and offers worship to his Spirit. Thus the marriage is a spiritual union. Without recognition of the Spirit marriage results in transitory relationships of the make and break kind. This casual state in turn adversely affects the heart center and causes insecurity. Hence, instead of confidence between the husband and wife, an undercurrent of fear runs between them. A lot of the problems of insecurity in our society comes from these sort of emotional traumas and not just from things like money worries.
Love is often mistakenly taken as restricted to male and female. In fact love is the flow of life in all limbs, between children/parents, brothers/sisters, friends, old people, etc. Where many people share and care, then the whole society opens up its heart center. It becomes a collective society and changes the world. This is the power of love. Love is the principle behind all creation, all vibrations. We say that God is love and love is God, because in its depths we cease to be. In true love there is no “I” and “You”, there is simply the merging in the Spirit. In this state we experience true human unity, the true oneness of life. Physically we can appear as different colors, shapes, characteristics, but as we become the Spirit the drops all become one ocean, with the vibrations dancing in different rhythms, taking different patterns, breaking and remaking again in a perpetual cosmic dance. Hate and jealousy develop an anti-current which flows against the cosmic rhythm. Where there is love there is growth, celebration, joy and evolution.
A lot of problems arise from fear. If we have self-confidence, we have strong defenses which protect against base desires and negative outside influences. If we live in fear, then our natural immune system is weakened and we become vulnerable to allergies and disease. Our personality grows and shines when our heart is strong, and we approach life with a will to win like a warrior. When we weaken, we become trapped in the cage of fear, afraid to venture out and experience the joy and wonders of the kaleidoscope of life. We attract to ourselves what we give out. If we have a constricted heart, then we are likely to attract corresponding people and to perpetuate the problem. Hence it is important to be strong and grounded so that we can nourish our relationships. Where a mother’s love has been denied in childhood, it is possible that a fulfilling
relationship can bridge the gap. A strong heart center is the basis for a healthy personality. Nourished with love, we emanate warmth and happiness. Love is nature’s way. Through love, the seed attracts nourishment from the soil and comes to life. The warmth and love in a doctor adds to the healing power of his cure. The patient feels better just by being with warm and loving people. The vibrations of such warm people attract us like honey attracts the bee. It is the love which becomes compassion which makes us reach out without thinking to help mankind. It is a spontaneous act, not an intellectual decision.
Our relationships with our parents have their place in the Heart Chakra. Our physical mother has her place on the left heart, and our father has his place on the right heart. Once we realize that our parents have this place within us, we don’t try to run away from any problems in any way, we face up to our responsibilities towards them. At all times we should treat them with the love and respect which is their due. Parents should likewise raise their children in a pure life, which will encourage their spiritual development. They should love them without attachment and fear, knowing that they are the trustees of their children. If parents do not practice what they preach, they cannot set a proper example to their offspring. Parents should be respectable, in order to be respected themselves. How we get on with our spouse is also a matter of the heart.
Where one partner dominates the other, or is possessive, then the love is stifled and the relationship is disturbed. Vibrations of the Spirit’s love must have the freedom to flow, and each partner must respect one another and not block the other’s growth by force of personality or will. As the relationship flourishes and gains in understanding, both husband and wife realize their equal status, their position as two wheels on the same chariot. In situations where the female is unable to make her full contribution to the household (for instance where the man thinks he is superior because of this physical advantage and wage earning capability) she can develop a suppressed anger, which in itself can be directed towards the children or develop into neuroses. The family unit is important to society, and the foudations of this unit are respect, love and duty between the members - parents and children. If the family ideal collapses then the society will soon follow. We just have to witness the problems of violence and substance abuse amongst children in societies where the family has become neglected priority. One of the main causes of insecurity in the West, and its consequent ‘rat-race’ mentality is the fear that as an old age pensioner you will end up in an old people’s home - forgotten. This is a sad situation. Money cannot buy emotional security, and a society which respects old age as a kind of childhood where
love and care are of paramount importance will have a much more stable existence. Man of the most respected spiritual civilizations (such as the American Indians) have held a special reverence for their elders as sources of wisdom and direction
The seat of the Heart Chakra is located in the Brahmarandra at the crown of the head (in the Sahasrara). This is where Shri Gauri (the Kundalini) in her form of Shri Parvati is united with Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva presides as the witness in the left Heart
Chakra, controlling our very existence. This center, therefore, has to be treated with the greatest respect and understanding. In the center Heart Chakra resides Shri Jagadamba, the Mother of the universe. Here, in our faith in the Mother aspect,
rests our sense of security and protection. Lord Rama inhabits the right Heart Chakra. He exhibited the ideals of behavior as a husband, son, brother and ruler. He re-established the status of women in the household, and clarified the principles
of dharma. He also exemplified the boundaries of conduct (or Maryadas) within which we should operate in order to deepen our Spiritual growth. These guidelines show us the power of discrimination and help us to protect the protocols of the Spirit.
He also laid out the concept of duty; child to the parents, parents to the children, husband to wife and vice versa.
The heart is the pump of the body, hence any mental and physical excess strains this center and can lead in advanced stages to a heart attack. Using the body as an instrument of athletic display fatigues the heart center. Excessive athletic
competition simply develops into an ego oriented thing, with no real gain at the end of it. In a similar way modern Hatha Yoga is a form of athleticism which has no correlation to the Spirit, and this too can harm the center. The sages of old
developed certain exercises for correcting the spinal problems caused by wrong living, thus aligning the body to its natural form in preparation for the search for knowledge of the Spirit. This led to the development of Hatha Yoga schools, and thence
to the modern form of ‘Yoga’. Unfortunately today Hatha Yoga is mistaken for spirituality. People spend hours doing all kinds of asanas (positions). By standing on our heads (or wearing white/saffron robes or being vegetarian or whatever) we are not going to know God. The word Yoga means Union in Sanskrit, and the union is that of our Kundalini with the all pervading Divine energy. God is realised when the Kundalini evolves through right living, deed, thought and action. If we treat our body like a gadget we become like a gadget. Excessive right side activity in such pursuits as Hatha Yoga can dry out a person, and make his personality cold and without love. Moreover extreme cases may harm the Spirit by neglect and cause the person to suffer heart attacks as the Spirit retreats. Suffering is often mis-identified with purification. We are led to believe that if something hurts it must be good for us (‘no pain, no gain’), while anything that is nice is evil. This numbs the left heart, which is the seat of the Spirit. Both self denial and self torture are against the dignity of the Spirit.
Insecurity and fear can lead to palpitations and breast problems. Excessive activity or planning dries us out, and again can lead to problems of this center. In a similar way, indulging in any of the extreme ascetic disciplines or physical activities which concentrate on the body to the exclusion of the Spirit should be avoided. Breast cancer and other female problems can be related to the suppression or unjust treatment of women. In exteme cases fear and insecurity of the center heart can
lead to neuroses and allergies.
Clearing the Center Chakra:
Using the Elements:
The use of a candle around the heart area can be very effective.
Deep and relaxed slow breathing in and out for a while.
Take a deep breath and hold it in for a while, then release. Don’t strain. Repeat a few times.
Deep and relaxed slow breathing in and out for a while.
Take a deep breath and hold it in for a while, then release. Don’t strain. Repeat a few times.
Mother, please make me a fearless person.
General Advice:
- Breathe in, hold the breath. Say to yourself ‘Jagadamba’ twelve times, then release the breath.
- Give vibration to the front and back of the heart.
- Recite the 23rd Psalm from the Bible.
- Read the Devi Mahatmyam.
- Use the candle treatment if the left Swadisthan Chakra is also catching.
Clearing the Left Heart Chakra:
Using the Elements:
The candle treatment around the heart area.
Mother, I am the Spirit
Mother, I am the Spirit, only the Spirit, I am not the ego, not this body, not this emotion - I am only thepure Spirit.
General Advice:
The candle treatment around the heart area.
Mother, I am the Spirit
Mother, I am the Spirit, only the Spirit, I am not the ego, not this body, not this emotion - I am only thepure Spirit.
General Advice:
- Give vibrations to the left Heart Chakra
- Keep your Attention on the Atma residing in the Heart.
- Where the heart catches due to over-activity of the right side, raise the left side 108 times, and also use the vibrations by putting the left hand towards the photograph with the right hand pointint upwards to the sky (or ceiling). The ether will dissolve theheat.
Clearing the Right Heart Chakra:
Using the Elements:
The candle treatment around the heart area.
General Advice:
- Give vibrations to the right Heart Chakra.
- Develop the boundaries of good conduct in family life and in society (Maryadas).
- Don’t take on too much responsibility, also don’t be too under-responsible.
- Develop the qualities and protectiveness of a father and husband.
- Correct any wrong situations arising from your relationship as a father, husband, son or brother.
- Where the right heart catch is of an overemotional nature, raise the right side (and lower the left) 108 times, and use the vibrations to clear out by putting the left hand towards the photograph and the right hand on the mother earth. This will release the left side problem which is causing the right heart to catch.
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