Friday, February 6, 2009

The Importance of Meditation

Now you all have realized by this time that within us lays the peace, the beauty, the glory of our being. There's an ocean of all that. We cannot seek it outside. We have to go within - what they call "in the meditative state" you seek it, you enjoy it.

Like when you are thirsty, you go to a river, or you go to an ocean, and try to quench your thirst. But even the ocean cannot give you sweet water. So, how can anything that is spread outside give you that deep thing that is within you. You are trying to find it outside, where it does not lie. It is within us, absolutely within us. It is so simple because it is your own. It is within your reach, just there. Whatever you have been doing-going out to find the joy, is so-called joy, and is so-called happiness, so-called glory of worldly powers and worldly possessions.

You have to reverse it back - the whole thing. You have to project 'within yourself'. It was not wrong that you went out. You should not feel sorry for what you have done so far. It was not a correct way to get to the real joy of life, the "real glory" of your being. It has worked in so many people, that you have entered into that subtler understanding. Some people are only at a mental level, maybe, doesn't matter. Maybe some are only at a physical level that they can feel it. It doesn't matter. But you are on the correct lines. You are moving correctly.

Try to meditate. Meditate more, so that you reach that inner being. And this inner being is the vast ocean of bliss, which exists in every one of us. In the vast flood of light, that floods everybody's inner beauty. So to approach it, you have to go "within" yourself, by denying things which are against it, against your movement.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
(14.03.1983, Australia)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jsm ji........
tremendous love of the shri mata ji....
maa it's our last need and destination .......
mother plz also give your tremendous love maa........
jsm ji......

Our Divine Mother..!