Now we are starting a New Year and I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. In this Desh of mine, I also wish you a very deep growth in Sahaja Yoga. Now you all are Sahaja Yogis and you all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga.
For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure, you are doing meditation, introspection, and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year I think there is greater chance for you to do much better because all those years of ordeals are over. We are now entering into the new era or say now the ‘Satyayuga’ has established.
In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kaliyuga has been cleared out completely. Of course gradually you will find that all is clearing out and all the people who are dangerous for your spiritual life or your national life, for your family life will have to take back their wheel. They cannot be successful.
Now the Sahaja Yogis have to decide, how far they has spread Sahaja Yoga all over, how many people they can get into Sahaja Yoga? There should be many more waiting for you this year, and may be this year if you all decide to work it out, I am sure, you can get lots of people who will be saved from the curses of Kaliyuga. This is going to be your vow on the New Year day that now we are going to start Sahaja Yoga in a new way, in a bigger way, in a more dynamic way.
For that first thing is needed is your ‘Sangh Shakti’, that is your collectivity. This collectivity has to be extremely well built well knit, well understood and absolutely loveable. This is not difficult in Sahaja Yoga because practically all your jealousies, all your baser ideas have been completely washed out by your Kundalini. She has transformed you. You are different people.
You are very very different. Not only that, but you have now understood your self. You are knowing yourself and all those who know themselves, can’t fight with each other. Because this Self is the reflection of one person, of one deity, of one God. And so how can you fight, when he is within your heart, how can you fight with each other? Otherwise you will be fighting with yourself. It would be very-very stupid to do that.
So all the fights and all the funny things that you have been thinking about will of course disappear, no doubt. But you will become very dynamic. You will be amazed at your dynamism. Just you have to rise, just you have to express yourself to manifest. You can become very-very collective, progressive and you can create many Sahaja Yogis.
H.H.Shri Mataji
For becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure, you are doing meditation, introspection, and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga rituals, I should say. In this New Year I think there is greater chance for you to do much better because all those years of ordeals are over. We are now entering into the new era or say now the ‘Satyayuga’ has established.
In the beginning you may not feel the atmosphere of Kaliyuga has been cleared out completely. Of course gradually you will find that all is clearing out and all the people who are dangerous for your spiritual life or your national life, for your family life will have to take back their wheel. They cannot be successful.
Now the Sahaja Yogis have to decide, how far they has spread Sahaja Yoga all over, how many people they can get into Sahaja Yoga? There should be many more waiting for you this year, and may be this year if you all decide to work it out, I am sure, you can get lots of people who will be saved from the curses of Kaliyuga. This is going to be your vow on the New Year day that now we are going to start Sahaja Yoga in a new way, in a bigger way, in a more dynamic way.
For that first thing is needed is your ‘Sangh Shakti’, that is your collectivity. This collectivity has to be extremely well built well knit, well understood and absolutely loveable. This is not difficult in Sahaja Yoga because practically all your jealousies, all your baser ideas have been completely washed out by your Kundalini. She has transformed you. You are different people.
You are very very different. Not only that, but you have now understood your self. You are knowing yourself and all those who know themselves, can’t fight with each other. Because this Self is the reflection of one person, of one deity, of one God. And so how can you fight, when he is within your heart, how can you fight with each other? Otherwise you will be fighting with yourself. It would be very-very stupid to do that.
So all the fights and all the funny things that you have been thinking about will of course disappear, no doubt. But you will become very dynamic. You will be amazed at your dynamism. Just you have to rise, just you have to express yourself to manifest. You can become very-very collective, progressive and you can create many Sahaja Yogis.
H.H.Shri Mataji
New Year Puja 31.12.2000 Kalwe, India
(DCB November-December 2001)
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